Specialist Teaching

Specialist Teaching

‘The Ryleys’ Bespoke Education’ is an approach to help support and guide your child throughout school, so that the staff understand exactly how your child learns, what they enjoy and in which areas they excel. This knowledge enables staff to tailor their lessons to the individual from the start of their education until the end of Year 6.

We develop and deliver the curriculum in a style to suit your child so that they can access it in a way that is meaningful to them, giving them the very best possible opportunity to flourish and excel. Through this type of education, every child is able to fully understand all the subjects, enjoy them and become enthused by them.

Children learn in a number of different ways and are broadly split into three different learning styles: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. We will identify very early on how your child learns and tailor our lessons to suit them. 

  • Visual learners will really benefit from our interactive whiteboards, our wide range of books available in all the classrooms and will enjoy seeing how words and numbers are written in text.
  • Auditory learners will access the curriculum via role play, stories and a whole host of media which they can access either individually in the classroom on the computers or iPads or via the whiteboard as the teachers show the children video clips, live footage and documentaries.
  • Kinesthetic learners will enjoy practical hands-on activities as they learn through memorising movement.

Specialist teaching provides an outstanding education. Rather than being based in one classroom, pupils increase in independence, responsibility and confidence as they learn from inspiring subject experts across the school. This teaching format, coupled with small class sizes and an excellent learning support and enhancement structure, ensures a bespoke education and success for every child.

Our class sizes are small, with low pupil to adult ratios, allowing us to maximise the learning taking place and to deliver a more personal, stimulating and enriching curriculum. Typically, there are two parallel classes in each year group allowing for larger groups to work together on sporting or creative projects. 

The children gain a solid understanding in literacy and numeracy with an emphasis on developing their independent thinking, ensuring that each child’s individual needs are met and that high standards of teaching and learning are taking place within all the classrooms.

Pupils are taught all of the subjects via a creative curriculum enabling us to explore the children’s interests, while offering a comprehensive and exciting curriculum. Specialist teachers lead the pupils in Music, French, PE, Science, ICT, Art, and Drama each week and from Year 4, Maths and English are also taught by specialist teachers.


We take pride in the achievements of all our pupils and encourage them to have a positive attitude towards their learning as well as to themselves and to each other. Each Year Group has their own reward system, which runs alongside the whole school house system, plus the weekly teachers awards. As a school we join together each week to celebrate individual and whole class accomplishments and we encourage parents to be part of that celebration.

Our parent/teacher app ‘Seesaw’ allows easy two way parent teacher communication in real time. Parents are also informed of their child’s progress via an academic profile that is updated and re-issued to parents each half term. There are two Parents’ Evenings each year and parents receive termly reports, including a full end-of-year report in the summer term.

In the Prep School, pupils are offered the opportunity to volunteer for key roles such as Head Girl, Head Boy, Prefects and to become members of the School Council. All these coveted positions give pupils a chance to develop personal traits of responsibility and leadership skills.

Homework is regularly set in all key subjects and plays an important role in helping pupils to consolidate and extend their learning, as well as providing an opportunity for independent study and research. In Year 3 and 4, the average time for homework is 40 minutes, increasing to 1 hour by Year 6.

Specialist teachers will help your child realise their potential and discover their talents in whichever field they shine, be it on the rugby pitch or netball court, in the music studio, on the stage, or in the art and design room.

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